Tag: vim

Daily logs and the Sway scratchpad

I maintain a daily code/admin log; when I make decisions I'll document the reasons for it, excerpts from log files and every measurement I take gets copied to it, little…

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Note Management with Vim

I've tried managing my personal knowledge base in many ways over the years, using everything from pencil and paper to Evernote and OneNote to TagSpaces and Joplin (the latter two (can)…

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Vim Improvement Plan: Getting Started

See information about the Vim Improvement Plan here. The RulesWe'll start with an empty ~/. vimrc and ~/. vim; the system vimrc will be untouched from installation.

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Vim Improvement Plan

I have become: rather set on regularly using a small, small subset of what Vim offers, even when I know there's a better way. overly-reliant on my .

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